A Beautiful Life

By flybytheseat


Jase bought a shady item from someone on Ebay, so I wrote this letter for him:

FBI-Tip Department,

I recently purchased a "Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas" script signed by Hunter S. Thompson, Johnny Depp, Flea, and Benicio Del Toro, with a Certificate of Authenticity (C.O.A.) included, from Ebay user, "underonehut11". Upon receiving the script, I found it to be different from the one pictured in the ad, for one. I researched the C.O.A. the seller sent using the name "Global Entertainment & Memorabilia, Inc." as seen on the C.O.A., and the only thing I found was this site: http://ask.metafilter.com/177174/Is-this-really-the-autograph-of-Miles-Davis. This site indicates fraud, and I received the same C.O.A. seen on this site. I questioned the seller further, regarding this matter, and he has refused to answer me directly, as anyone can tell from the emails on Ebay. Upon further research I discovered a story involving a recent Ebay fraud, similar to our situation, seen here: http://www.joplinglobe.com/local/x597291837/Carl-Junction-man-admits-massive-eBay-fraud. I'm not saying the guy is for sure a fraud, but his behavior is extremely shady.

I'm a collector, I research everything I come across. All I have asked from the seller was an address or phone number for this Global Entertainment & Memorabilia, Inc. but he has been nothing but defensive towards me and non-compliant. He continues to tell me to "look it up" when I ask for credibility of the C.O.A. Upon looking it up, all I come across are fraudulent claims towards Global Entertainment. What am I supposed to think?

The seller later claimed that Global Entertainment is now operating under the entity "Novaspace". I personally talked with Novaspace and they deny any affiliation with Global, nor do they certify any Hollywood memorabilia or that thereof. In fact, the owners of Novaspace would like to know why this person is using their name at all. Novaspace has stated that they are willing to take legal action regarding this matter if necessary. If I have reached the wrong Novaspace, I wouldn't know, as the seller has refused to respond to my claims directly, even after I advised the seller of this Novaspace's concern in the matter.

The seller has threatened to sue me for defamation, although I have not made any such claims against him. I've simply expressed my concern to him that he may possibly be operating a fraudulent business, as my experience has reflected as such. The seller has claimed that I've "called him names" when I have not, in fact, he has stated that I'm "whining, bitching and moaning", when all I have done is ask that he verify the C.O.A., repeatedly, with no reciprocation.

I have returned the script to the seller via certified mail as of 10/20/11. I expect my money be refunded, and I hope this man can establish a better way to certify his products so future customers won't have to deal with this hassle.

Please let me know if there is any additional information that you need regarding this issue, the ad, the C.O.A., Novaspace, etc.

Thank you,

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