
By cyclops


Went out to the garden this evening to try to get the flowerbeds under control, and my eye was immediately caught by this rather handsome snail patrolling one of my shrubs. So I ran in for the camera! I don't have a proper macro lens, but I do have a very cheap 10x diopter to fit my 14-42mm zoom and convert it for that purpose. Not ideal but a lot cheaper than a macro lens for now. It doesn't give much in the way of depth of field (it reduces that by a factor of 10 of course!) but with a the aperture stopped down a little I was reasonably happy with the results, even if I did have to resort to ISO200...

In other news, I got my car delivered back today. The good news is that they have identified and fixed the fault (although only time will tell...), and that the repair was relatively inexpensive. The bad news is there appear to be several new chips on the passenger side of the car, and a small new dent on the drivers door. So I have to take the car to the garage tomorrow morning and show them the damage so they can decide whether they are going to fix it. YET ANOTHER problem. Grrrr.

Still flying high from yesterday though, so I'm trying very hard not to let it bug me.

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