On My Doorstep

By bwhere

Moan No. 1

I should be counting my blessings!

But I'm not, I am blipping No. 1 in my new series of moans.

Why do spectacles still have screws that hold the lenses in that work loose over time? Lenses are delicate and expensive and they can be jettisoned at any moment without warning onto concrete or soft furnishings.

The whole palaver means that you need to have the special screwdriver ready at home or away as you never know when the worst is likely to happen. Even when it does and supposing you have the tools to cope you still have to contend with the fact that you cannot see properly because your glasses are in your hands being fixed!

I know, I know, if you checked your specs every day and tightened the screws you wouldn't be at risk. But who would do that?

So, I moan about this big problem and the fact that the makers of spectacles haven't seen fit to solve it. Shame on them!

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