Writer's Block

By writersblock

Veteran's Day Celebration

Every year campus hosts a Veteran's Day celebration - 10 percent of the student body is either active duty military, a veteran, or a dependent of someone who has been or currently is in the service. That's not a big surprise considering the fact that one of the biggest bases in the country (Camp Pendleton) is in the campus' service area.

Anyway, I was running late to the program and happened to be right behind this Marine when the color guard passed - I caught him in mid salute.

On Veteran's Day I thank and honor all those who have served, especially those who have given their life.

AJ update: This morning she woke up early while I was still getting ready for work. After nursing her and cuddling her I handed her off to Ron who thankfully happened to be home. Typically she is good with Ron for a minute or two but then starts to cry and fuss. But today was different! Today she was happy to be held by him and gave lots of smiles and coos. Ron was so excited (and I was too as I didn't have to rush through the rest of my routine)!

When I picked her up at daycare this evening her teachers reported that she drank 12 oz throughout the day without ANY fuss, that she laid on a play mat for 20 minutes without crying and looked/reached for a mobile, enjoyed being held/rocked and was alert watching the older infants playing, AND she took a 2 hour nap (in the nook) midday! They said it was a REALLY good day for her.

Driving home she was a mellow baby and didn't cry the whole way as she typically does. Once home her good mood continued - lots more smiles and let Ron hold/cuddle her for an extended period of time.

It was like a switch was flipped- we kept looking at each other, what happened to out baby? Who took our strong-willed, fussy little one and replaced it with this angelic child? And, more importantly, will it last???

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