Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

L'Entente Cordiale

Today is a special day made more memorable by its unique palindromic date 11-11-11. The monument to the Franco British Entente Cordiale in Vernet les Bains is the only one of its kind in France. In one hour from now the wreaths will be laid and we shall remember the pointless sacrifice of so many young lives for a cause that history will struggle to understand. I suppose the same could be said for most wars.

Appropriately, the leaves are turning and falling from the trees and the low autumn sun colours them in sharp relief. Today is férie and the tricolores are out on the street. The village is quiet and respectful; the country honours this day with a bank holiday. As a result, the words Liberté Égalité Fraternité on the statue and on the Mairie seem to carry more weight.

The church clock strikes 11 for the second time and I pause a moment as no doubt many others do. It occurs to me once again as an horologist what a good system this is when the hour chimes to strike it again two minutes later when you can carefully count the blows to determine the hour.

As I write the sun is gaining in strength and there is more activity in the street below. Today is a special day but life goes on as it should.

The Entente Cordiale Statue

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