party of 5

By partyof5

~my first piggies~

I put Lily's hair up in pig tails for the first time today, mostly out of desperation. I can't keep a clip in her hair to save my life. After I put a clip in, she promptly takes it out and kindly hands it back to me. She usually will keep rubber bands in, so today I went for the piggies. She did keep them in and I had to do it while she was eating to keep her distracted, but most of her hair stayed out of her eyes, for awhile anyway. Paul's Grandma asked me tonight when I was going to cut her bangs, I said never and that it's just in the bad grow out phase and will be cute very soon.

The boys spent the night at Paul's parents so that they could take them to the Veterans parade in town tomorrow. They are very excited. I am going to work in the morning and then as quickly as possible go meet my new little niece that is scheduled to arrive around 7:30 am! I'm a little excited!. I can't wait hold, kiss, snuggle and get some newborn pic's!!!!!

P.S. I finally back blipped Tuesday and I also want you to know how hard it was to not get rid of the food and boogers on her face, but wanted it to look just as she did at this little moment.

P.S.S. I decided to changed my pic of the piggies to this one, I loved her eyes too much to pass them up, I promise that I did nothing to enhance her eyes, they just popped in the sunlight!

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