just allan

By allan


Tyninghame Bay, 2pm, looking south west to Traprain Law and Pencraig. I worked at home on the phone all day, dispensing common sense about computers and stuff. I actually had to decline a meeting to get any lunchtime, and when the time came I shot out on my bike through the woods. It was a beautiful and quite warm day and I could have just sat down, but back to work I went.

I took delivery of a Nikon F50 film camera body I bought for £11 from ebay, which works perfectly - I tried out my Nikon lenses and they work, one even auto-focusses. I also bought a battery, a colour film and a black and white film so I could get going with it, but I didn't yet get the courage to actually take a photo! I'm so used to taking 100 and keeping 2 that taking a roll of film seems such a big deal. I'll think up some project or other and snap off a reel sometime soon.

There are various things I'm just not getting round to in my personal life that I know I need to get a grip on, so I'll take a deep breath and get on with it.

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