Kohima Epitaph

Apologies for returning to yesterday's theme and blip site. Whilst there I looked at the memorial to those lost in the Burma Campaign and its epitaph:

"When you go home tell them of us and say
For their tomorrow, we gave our today."

The words were familiar but I was intrigued as to why it was called the Kohima Epitaph. Kohima I've since discovered was the area of a major turning point in the war against the Japanese and is situated in India's Nagaland. The Commonwealth War Games Commission maintain a cemetery there and the words are inscribed on the memorial there. They are believed to have been composed by John Maxwell Edmonds who put together a collection of about 12 epitaphs at the time of World War One. He was a classicist and was likely inspired by an inscription erected after the Battle of Thermopylae to the Spartans or Lacedaemonians. The Landmark Herodotus translates it as:-

"Tell this, passer by, to the Lacedaemonians:
It is here we lie, their commands we obey."

Another version has "Go tell the Spartans, thou that passest by, That faithful to their precepts here we lie.". Although I had a shot from yesterday decided to stop today on my way past to get another for Blip.

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