Wonder Woman!

On the way out to Judo and swimming poor old Sam managed to shut the front door with the snib on and locked us out BIG TIME! I ferried the children to their various clubs and returned home to try and find a way in. I mulled breaking a window (we have done this before) and tried to force the door open. In the end, not wanting to replace another window I decided to climb onto the roof, bottom shuffle my way up along the slates to the small window that I had left open for the cats and squeezed my way in. Getting up onto the roof was the worst bit, being fairly small in stature (OK short!) so that I just had to go for it and swing myself off the ladder and up! One pair of ripped tracky bottoms and a cut finger later and I was half in and half out of the window with both cats looking at me (from their snooze space on our bed) with looks of complete incredulity! Secretly I was quite impressed with myself and the girls patched up my finger grand style :)

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