follow the...


i heard them...

couldn't see 'em though... they were making enough racket it was echoing off the mountains at the lake... i didn't know how many there would be...

i felt suspended in time as i waited... listening to them screeching to each other - then...

in the distance - i saw them...

a flock of what appeared to be simple ravens - or what i commonly refer to as black birds (i think they're the same thing?)... about 10 in all. but then i saw white in the middle of them - a single bird - it was swooping around and they were playing together - i kid you not. how often do you see birds actually playing - together - in flight - high up in the sky... it was amazing... as they flew closer, i got my camera ready and then began snapping away... as i looked, i thought the white was a gull and thought how odd it was playing with ravens...

now i'm not sure... is this a gull? is that a raven? with white markings on it's wings? do ravens have white with black? i don't know... but they are pretty... and clearly - the black is following the white... it was a sight to see. yet again - one of those moments where i almost forgot to snap i got so caught up in it - their playing... so carefree and joyous - i wanted to join them up there. of course, i cannot fly - yet... some day i will have angel's wings with a new body - what a day that will be. in the meantime - i will watch from below... living vicariously through god's creatures who can - being thrilled because i am able to see their escapades in the sky... knowing it's made for...


happy day.....

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