Friday Foto

By drmackem

More than a refuel needed

Today at work was not a good day. Commonsense, dignity, integrity, good business, and compassion battled with each other all day and I'm not sure anyone arrived at a good place. It'll work out I know and those things will find a good place together soon but I need to drink from a deep well before I go any futher.

Blip today is urban and bleak again, filled the car up on the way home, at the best of times petrol stations are rarely things of beauty (I did find one that I would willingly visit daily in California last year), but these non attendant, pay the machine ones out on a limb feel disconected with any pretence of the notion of service and connection make my spirit sink. So a bleak, grey, grainy and slightly out of focus blip.

Now what recreates me? - home usually helps

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