First taste of a strawberry

Today 11 women from Doroba, representing the first women's cluster arrived on the farm for a two day visit. For the past year these women have been saving small amounts of money and lending to themselves in groups. There is no external financial input and they decide the rules. It is truly a movement free from Aid and interference, except for advice on the system itself.
They were dressed in their best and had a wonderful day. They did an initial tour, led by Benidicto and Alfred,had some discussions with our staff and will stay in luxury (for them) in our hostel, sleeping on matresses in beds, a first for most.
They will cook and eat many new foods and bring home seeds, seedlings and advice. Our workers will visit their villages later to advise and demonstrate processes.
I think the big excitement is the possibility of growing velvet bean, tephrosias and sunhemp as green manures and seriously reducing the use of chemical fertilizer, but the real winner was the strawberries; everyone wants plants!!

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