in His image

By freddy

The lion and the lamb

I took a picture of this cool looking, golden statue of a lion outside of a fraternity house at UW. It reminded me of Jesus. The Bible calls Jesus the "Lion of Judah." If you didn't know, Jesus's lineage comes from the tribe of Judah of Israel. However, while Jesus was on earth, He was considered to be the "Lamb of God."

"Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" (John 1:29)

God is holy and perfect, but man is sinful and imperfect. As a result, we cannot be with God. The only way to pay for our wrongdoings is by the sacrifice of the perfect Lamb of God. Believing in Jesus Christ and surrendering your life to Him is the only way we can be saved from God's wrath against mankind and sin. God didn't have to save us and we certainly didn't deserve it, but He did. This is true love.

Jesus will one day come back again. Only this time not as a humble lamb, but like a Lion.

"Weep no more; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered..." (Revelation 5:5)


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