
By erinmaureen

Glee day is the best day

I went to sleep really early last night and slept in really late this morning. I'm catching up on a lot of sleep lately and I'm totally loving it.

I woke up around 11 and immediately started my productive day without even getting out of my bed, I did CSIS homework for about 2 hours before I even bothered leaving my room.

I sat around and chatted with my housemates/dan/jillian/meg for a while before Jillian and I decided to be productive little bees and go to the library (my second trip this semester!) and work for 2+ hours.

I got my CSIS assignment done while i was there, it only took me forever to complete.

Then I returned to F11 to have a crazy chat with Emily and work on my Lit papers.

I'm feeling way less stressed out now that my papers and that csis project are done, i feel a lot more calm.

Glee was AMAZING tonight. I love Kurt&Blaine so much it's ridiculous. They're definitely my favorite TV couple. obsessed.

While I was sitting on the couch after Glee ended Jillian stole my iphone and took a dozen pictures of herself and a very unwilling Daniel.

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