
By soozaday

Holiday Countdown

I can usually last for about five minutes in this electronics store before my eyes start rolling back into my head. It has the most stuff that I-don't-know-what-it's-for than any other place I know, and even the stuff that I recognize is too much. Too many aisles, too many gadgets, weird lighting. And, no, I have no explanation for the Egyptian motif, especially the freizes that show little sideways stick figures with triangular bodies carrying tvs and computers. Festive though.

On our little field trip out of town today we encountered twinkling holiday cheer everywhere, and I don't mean Halloween or Thanksgiving. It's Christmas! Even the Vietnamese shopping center had cheery Santa Claus posters advertising, I think, good rates on calling home. Is it time to put up the tree? the pumpkins on the front porch haven't even begun to rot and we just rolled over pecan pie day without a drop of gravy to show for it.

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