Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie..

...that's amore!

Some of you may remember that old song - the moon tonight made me think of that and now I can't stop humming it.

We had a long day - Aunt Rosie was laid to rest this morning and we all had lunch together after the mass and cemetery. Lots of tears, but also lots of happy memories shared over lunch. We have my MIL in law with us for the next week or so. She is too fragile right now to return to Alabama so we are convincing her to stay with us for a week or so. I will take her around to visit some friends from when she lived here. Mostly, I hope she sleeps and relaxes and grieves as she needs to.

We got home just at dusk tonight, so no birds - they'd all gone to roost, although I could here them talking amongst themselves in the trees as they settled in for the night. Figured I'd settle for a moon blip. Been trying to shoot the moon for ages and I still don't have the hang of it, but this will do.

Hoping to blip a bird tomorrow ...

Sleep well...

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