My quiet space

By JuliaS

It's raining again .........

Sure I've used that title before ... but I like the song anyway .. does anyone else remember it?

It's Raining Again

Anyway, enough of that ......

after I posted my blip yesterday, but before we actually got to eat the lovely roast dinner I was cooking, we had a minor emergancy ..... Tara showed Hari how to use a toy broom as a pogo stick, in the kitchin, on ceramic tiles .. the result .... a rather large bump on Hari's forehead where he hit his head on the kitchen cupboard door!!! Fortunately the bump has gone down now but left a lovely bruise.

Today has been very busy, spent the morning putting together raffle tickets, and the afternoon with a friend. Don't think it stopped raining all day!!

Just finished putting Hari's birthday pressie together ready for Friday.. can't believe he will be 2.

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