The morning light is a long time coming, which means opportunities for a scenic blip on the way to work are lessening by the minute. But the moment was a nice oasis of calm.

Followed by an unproductive day, spent talking to various HMRC departments whose main aim in life seems to be a) see how long you can subject yourself to their awful music whilst hanging on for "the next available assistant", or b) how many times they can give you yet another incorrect telephone number to ring, cue awful music, before thowing a wobbly. I did throw a restrained wobbly, even though the HMRC person tried to talk over me - I won, and was at last put through to someone who seemed to know what they were talking about. I live in hope. Apparently it is only going to take them four weeks to send the blank form I need to fill in, thus incurring four more weeks of penalties for my client. Happy days.

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