Gerda's Fotojournaal

By Gerda

Street in Rotterdam North

Today I had my volunteer training day in the city. The third one. the other tuesdays I blipped a mill but today I choose another picture.
Just like yesterday it was a grey and foggy day. But around the clock off three I biked home and at my right hand I saw this street just in that moment the sun came a little bit through the grey clouds. It gave me a special feeling to see this.

I have a youth rememberance. At my age of 10 at my school was a lesson drawing given on tv. That was very new to me, to watch tv and learn what to do. But is was difficult. I had to draw a street in the city with fog.
But me a girl in the country had no idea how a city looked like, My thoughts went everywhere. I was not used to watch television. So the drawing was difficult to make. And I remember it uptill now. But now I'm a big girl not trying anymore to draw a street in the fog... But just take a wonderful picture at the right moment.

I must see, I am so sorry that I am not able to comment you all. My new schedule with volunteer training and activities at home and for work is taking much time from me and in the evening I'm so tired that I can't focus on good english to say to you what I want to say.
I hope tomorrow or thursday I will have time to comment.

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