Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

A colourful evening

I've decided to only blip when I've got a decent or half decent photo to use. The decision took me ages to come to but after the initial feeling of failure for not blipping on one day I felt a great sense of release and a lifting of pressure. I'm working quite a lot at the moment which is obviously a great thing but it's also time consuming and exhausting and trying to find something decent to photograph with everything else in my life was just ridiculous. I feel happier in myself about my decision and I've also found that my blip addiction seems to have been sorted too, there have been a couple of days recently where I just haven't been on here at all. I've also got more time for other things so it's just a win-win situation really.

I took my youngest son to a bonfire and fireworks display. The other two didn't want to come which is quite sad as we've never really all gone as a family and that was one of my happy memories from childhood which I would have liked to share with my children. We arrived quite early and managed to get right at the front near the fire which hadn't yet been lit. When it was lit we discovered that the wind was blowing all the smoke and loads of sparks and general burning matter in our direction! After a while we moved around and managed to watch the fireworks from a decent position. I forgot my tripod but began by balancing my camera on my son's head. This worked for about 3 minutes until he started doing the crazy 'I need a wee' dance! Why do kids always get desperate for a wee at the best bits of whatever you're doing? We'd been there for about an hour at this stage and nothing! Start the fireworks and the bladder went into overdrive! Fortunately (or not as the £7.50 I'd shelled out for this 'extravaganza' may be!) the fireworks only lasted about 20 minutes and he managed to hold out until we'd legged it back to the car. Then began the 'let's try and get 5000 people off a field via one exit and crappy traffic lights that give priority to traffic coming from the other direction' fun!! After not moving at all in 30 minutes (despite legging it back to the car remember!) I decided to phone my dad and ask him to meet us at the main road. We had a short walk to my dad and managed to get home for just gone 8 in time to get my son to bed. I watched some telly and then rescued my car at 9.45 when everyone else had gone home. I will not be repeating that 'fun' next year, that's for sure!!

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