
By Exbeeb

Infinite Blip Cage

I expect you've heard of the Infinite Monkey Theorem which dates back to Emile Borel in 1913? It basically says that if you place an infinite number of chimpanzees in a cage full of an infinite number of typewriters, eventually, one of them will type the script of a Shakespeare play.

The theorem could never be proved, although some have tried placing chimps and word processors together. They mainly ended up with broken keyboards. But it does allow the mind to explore the concepts of time, probability and infinity.

I have for some while considered that I and possibly all us on Blip are in an Infinite Blip Cage. Each of us trying every day to produce the perfect photograph that will be held aloft and admired for all time. For some of us, that day is a while off.

Today, I think I broke the keyboard.

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