Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The Monday Macro: Salt

Welcome to my new weekly blip series, the Monday Macro. This is inspired by my deep love of the close up image and a desire to passionately explore the technology of the macro lens, focusing once a week on a different close-up image of an exotic and carefully selected item with inherent aesthetic quality.


Look let's be honest. It's winter. I work nine or ten hour days. I'm a really ordinary middle aged bloke, who comes home and cooks, tidies, exercises then doesn't know what to photograph when its been dark since four o'clock. What can I do except blip within these four walls? I had written warnings from the RSPCA about over-blipping Fat Monty. The Monday macro is just an excuse for not endlessly shooting the cat (so's to speak).

Having said that I do like this picture. I think you could pretend it's some ancient artifact that has suddenly been rediscovered in the arctic snow. And I love my cooking so the dear old salt pig is something I reach into a lot. It's nice to have pic of it.

Now what alliterates with Tuesday .... ?

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