Jack James

By JackJames

Fog from Blackford Hill

An amazing day's weather today - very cool and autumnal. Brilliant sunshine in the morning, with long shadows stretching across the meadows as I walked to lectures. As I sat though my labs, the fog began to draw in.

From the 6th floor of the JCMB building I could see the top of the foggy layer - and I rushed the end of the labs in order to climb up Blackford Hill in the hope that I'd be treated to an un-obscured view across a sea of fog to the sea and Arthur's seat. I was almost rewarded, but it was always a little big foggy and the camera I had with me was rubbish, so the result isn't great.

Despite not the best photo, the view was amazing. To my annoyance, once I'd climbed back down I looked back to see the hill completely clear of fog - If I'd of stayed 10 minutes later the view would have been even better.

Roast pork chops tonight, essay for dessert.

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