
I love when is foggy. Don't like driving through it, but once i'm at my destination it's great.

Sat on the train on the way into work this morning dreaming of what I would take shots of at lunchtime, only for those to be shattered by 8.05 when Mrs P called me from home to say #1 Son wasn't feeling well, so wouldn't be going to school and could I come home. Arghhh.

An hour and a bit later and I was back home, checked on the wee fella (or should i now start calling him the gangly teenager?), then dropped Mrs P off at work, taking this as I headed back, just incase the fog cleared. I've posted the alternatives to my Flickr site.

Good thing I can work from home, take calls in the car, and make up the hours by just working longer in the evening :)

Got an email last night from Blip, saying that my 500th is almost upon me, and would I like to get it publicised in the local press. That made me think about why I blip and what blip means to me. The answer is: Thanks, but no thanks, I'd rather keep my blipping to myself, friends & select members of family and whoever spots my pictures on blip. I don't do it for any recognition, infact i prefer being almost anonymous, makes it feel almost private.


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