What's Better?

Seeing the water fall or watching the tourists? I think I enjoy watching the people who enjoy something very much almost as must as I love seeing the Falls myself. But, for the record, this is what she's looking at. Or was it this one? I honestly can't remember which, but I think the second is a much more beautiful shot. We visited them both on the same day. I was honored to be invited to join a friend and her bestie, who flew in for a visit, to have an adventure to Golden and Silver Falls in Allegany, Oregon.

The album starts here for those interested in our adventure and the spectacular, lush forest. For me, the most fun was had creating an abstract album of the changing leaves, created from the back seat of the moving vehicle on the way up the mountain, and refined with the help of Paint Shop Pro.

For the romantic's at heart, who only have time for one link, "When Trees Dance" is worth a moment of your time.

Thank you for visiting, and especially to those who will have a moment to see the Flickr album. This was an extra special day for blipping, so I skipped taking photos Sunday all together. Now to catch up on some journals!

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