michigan man

By outdoorguy

A Title Fight

A beautiful day here. 62 and sunny..but quite windy. People were out in droves in our downtown area. A lot of cameras, strollers, duck-feeders, and people-watchers. Always great to see.

The ducks were entertaining, but the seagulls were stealing the show. A lot of in-fighting, and a lot of dive-bombs into the duck crowds to steal some bread. I don't know what this scene is portraying. I'm going with the 2 males on the left fighting over the hand (or the claw) of the female on the right. That's my story..and I'm sticking to it. A pretty bird..I don't care how annoying they are.

I had to go to a 3:00 funeral today. 56, and gone with cancer. Sad. On the way home from my church..I saw maybe 35-40 sandhill cranes. My pulling over to the side of the road attracted another photographer. I stayed in my truck with the window down. She couldn't do that. She had to wander across the field. She had to get closer. She had to chase them off. And she did. I hope she got her shot. The subjects were gone for both of us..although I did get a couple of good shots of them flying in the air.

Hope everyone has a great week ahead.

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