All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Round & Round

Granny & Grandpa stayed overnight with us again last night as we were going to a family photoshoot today with Venture. Foreveryoung, Mr Foreveryoung and Eden were there too. Ethan isn't the easiest of subjects as he's still too young to sit in poses you ask him too, so it will be interesting to see how well the photographer has done!

We then all went to Tobys Carvery in Corstorphine on the way home for lunch. Fortunately they gave us a table at the window so we were able to distract Ethan when he got fed up in the high chair by pointing out all the buses and cars.

He only managed 2 ten minute naps, both in the car, today. Foreveryoung and I took him and Eden out for a walk round Bellsquarry in the afternoon to try to get them to sleep again. Ok so we had a wee detour via the playpark but Eden did go to sleep ... Ethan on the other hand didn't, even though we were out for an hour an a half! Hopefully he'll sleep well tonight as a result!

As for me, I'm worn out as usual too so am away to bed now and it's not even 8.30pm yet! Night all.

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