Life Photographically.

By SaraJean

Another Long One..

Just a Self-Portrait.

The Mister was talking about how he loved learning new things on the guitar, and that he's always learning something new. And that's great for him, really, but it got me thinking... I feel that I have capped, or leveled off with what I can do with photography given what I have.

I'm a bit "gear isn't the most important thing" person, but what I'm talking about is that I'm not mobile, I have no car to explore to get great new landscapes. I have no friends to do portraits with. Still life I'm pretty darn good at as with macro, given that I don't actually have any "macro" equipment... I'm just feeling very limited, and I'm not sure where to go from here. I'm bored I guess, taking photos of the same things day in and out. I mean there is only so many things I can do with a mug and some lights....
like, this, and this, and this.

and there is only so many times I can do the same thing again and again.
So I decided I'd work with a self-portrait today. I've always found them challenging, not technically, (tripod, camera, remote shutter, good light, and me...) but conceptually... How do I sum up me in 1 photo... I have now idea, and maybe I just don't know who I am completely (and that's likely).

Maybe self exploration is needed now.
Do you have 1 photo the sums you up completely?

A few past Self-portraits:
but how?, yes?, Good Morning, Down the Rabbit Hole, Mushaboom, Believe in something

I also realise that I do A LOT of black and white/sepia photos.. weird.

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