People on a Bridge

By zerohour

R is for Resolve

Thanks to Goatee Booknerd for giving me an idea on how to continue my gratitude blip challenge. Instead of spelling "thank you", I will spell "thank you very much" ;-)

R is for Resolve. For living and doing things. For wanting things and going after them. For helping others achieve their goals, and gratitude for being helped on our way. For turning that switch on, and saying "yes, I can; yes, I will."

R is also for rice, raisins, robots, and rumba. Any other great R s out there?

The image above has nothing to do with any of this; one of my students let me borrow his camera for the weekend to test it out. I was playing with my weird objects found at the water's edge collection and Little Man's flashlight . :-)

Or maybe it does? R is for a resolution to become a better photographer, and investigating my next camera! :-)

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