smile like a rabbit

By smilelikeabunny



High, from way too far, he fell.
No one was there to catch him, to lessen the impact.
He just fell, crushed his body, his life, his all.

There was no choice to make.
The time had simply come.
Summer had yielded such fun, such magnificent happiness.

Now it was all gone, and winter beckoned like a traitor
who offers a smile, but behind his back holds a dagger.

Had he known today would be the day?
That the late autumn sun that had warmed his back
would be the last that he would feel?

So many others had gone before him,
their lives sucked out of them
and their breath taken away.
What choice did he have?

All night he toiled with the vain hope that the
new day would bring brighter news.
It did not.

He awoke in the dark of an oncoming winters morning.
A cold wind from the north filled his body and he knew
his time had come.

Others around him were beginning to rise.
He nodded in grateful acceptance of their friendship
and the happy memories that they had shared together.
Oh the joy and fulfilment they had known.
Each day had brought new pleasures, new excitement and new experiences.

They never thought it would end and now it had.

As he stared at his fate far below him,
he thought back to his time of birth.
Happy thoughts shot through him like
a warm fire after a long cold day

Perhaps his death, if that is what it was,
would lead to him becoming a newborn again.

Without a second thought he turned and fell.

The wind caught him,
sent him tumbling from side to side.
He felt the sky cradle him in her arms and caress him
as she took him to his death.

And then it was over,
his life ended,
his door closed.


Copyright Anthony Scott

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