Lazy Sunday

Having finished the work that's been hanging over me since we came home a couple of weeks ago, I've been enjoying my first really lazy day for weeks. A lie in, an amble to the shops in the village and then making lunch: pot-roasted duck legs with roast pumpkin. (Not the smashing pumpkin or Long Island cheese pumpkin grown from seeds sent to me by blippers disdatdudda and ceridwen because I'm saving those for special plans I have for when we have guests, but the local toca, as it's called in Occitan.) This St Nectaire fermier cheese comes from our local wine makers at Domaine des Pascales, who bring it back from the farm in the Aveyron where it's made, to sell with the wine, the red in the glass here. There's a link with yesterday's blip, too, as the board is made of olive wood.

And now it's time for a siesta!

Weather update: the rain has stopped, but we haven't seen much sun yet. I'm longing to take photos of shadows again.....maybe tomorrow.

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