Sometimes that is all we are supposed to do....

I have this hanging in my kitchen - a reminder to take a breather and focus on what Im doing right now...whatever it may be.

We had a lovely Saturday. We drove about an hour and a half outside of Oslo to visit a dog we were considering buying - a 3 year old Havanaise. It was very sweet....but TINY! It was too small, and quite weak. We want a small dog, I dont have too much space but we also need a dog that can go for long hikes with us or jogging with me....we arent looking for a dog that would need to be carried :) But we are determined to find a dog....our borrowed dog has gone home and we miss having him is suddenly very quiet here :) It was a little disapointing but a nice trip in anycase. Kind of nice to just sit in the car with the boys - good time to talk to them - relaxing.

Daniel had a friend stay the night and we all watched a film. Nice day :)

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