FotoWeek DC

This is a pretty cool photo festival, the fourth in as many years. It is a week-long, multi-session celebration of photography in various locations across Washington. Today, we bounced around the 14 free exhibits at FotoDC's headquarter location and saw some truly amazing pictures.

The star of such events always seems to be photojournalism (also known through its new hip name: crisis reporting). Some of the events captured were truly horrific, from workers drowning engulfed in the oil spill in China, to the ravages of gang wars in Mexico, to burned bodies from the volcano in Indonesia, to bodies tossed in makeshift graves in Haiti, and, of course, all manner of war scenes. It makes you wonder what exposure to such devastation does to a photographer... For insights on that, the movie Bang, Bang Club does a fairly decent job.

My picture today is of a small section of the "crisis reporting" group of photos.

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