Getting there
Haste me to know't, that I, with wings as swift
As meditation or the thoughts of love,
May sweep to my revenge.
So, we've finished with the much-too-small rejearsal room in Buccleuch, and today was the last time in the church hall, and even then, thanks to a double booking, we only had it for the afternoon and therefore there was only time for one run through. Tomorrow we get into the venue and can start to work things out in the actual space. Tech rehearsal Monday, dress rehearsal Tuesday, opening night Wednesday. It's looking good. Still some things could be better, some things need to be a little tighter, but it is going to be a good show. Just need to get an audience!
This is M, our Hamlet, speaking with the ghost of his dead father early in the action, and a scene I'm not involved with and therefore able to snatch a quick rehearsal blip.
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