Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Not so grand finale to a not so grand day

Slept badly because of pain from finger slicing episode yesterday.
So I thought today would be all about just getting though and doing one-handed washing machine filling and emptying.

Well it was that but I actually spent most of the day getting a "non-adherent" dressing off my finger and 'youch'ing a lot. I finally sorted it out and got a clean dressing on (hopefully a better job this time) in time for sparklers in the garden at 7pm. We don't buy whizzy pop-bang fireworks but we do splash out on sparklers once a year.

So nothing interesting to say but thank goodness for Twitter! I hate being indisposed.

I'm having a think about NaNoWriMo now. Typing this is taking ages and I won't have much time for a few days.

We'll see.

Good grief that all sounds miserable and boring!
I'm not miserable, honest - maybe just boring!

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