Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Comfy on the sofa

Bonfire night is one of the few times when I'm allowed to sit on the sofa and snuggle up with Ann.

I HATE fireworks. They really scare me and if I hear them I go underneath the computer table and shake.

However, Ann is the nicest owner ever. Tonight she really wants to go out to the firework display down on Porthminster Beach where there is a BBQ and where she could drink copious quantities of wine. Instead she is going to stay in with me. Just how lucky am I?

We are going to turn the TV up really loud and sit on the sofa and have cuddles.
.........................And if there's still fireworks going off at bedtime I'm going to be allowed to sleep underneath Ann's bed.

I think I must be the most loved little collie dog in the whole, wide world!

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