just allan

By allan

Before the Bang

Gordon and Katie waiting to press the button to ignite the Dunbar Community Fireworks 2011 (all proceeds to good causes). They had created the poster and this is the traditional prize!

They continued to marvel at finding their poster all over the place, for the fireworks (all proceeds to good causes). They "helped" to put the barriers down the middle of the football pitch and had a few dry-runs for the Big Bang (all proceeds to good causes). Then they had a wee dash around in front of the crowd with their glowsticks before waiting for the Big:

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, .... Button! (all proceeds to good causes).

I snapped furiously during the show and the results were pretty good. But this lovely shot is my keep-in-a-box memory.

After we got home, poor little big Malcolm found a dead mouse in his mouse house. Many tears later, I think we're over it. Cheerio Stripes.

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