Images from flowerspasms

By flowerspasms


You may or may not have heard but back in October the Islamic Central Council of Switzerland attempted to highlight thier frustration at the segregation and marginalization of thier community in the past years, especially after such poster campaigns run in 2009 by the far right party UDC (

So to highlight thier plight in a country where they make up less than 1% of the population, they decided on a day of protest to wear the star of David to highlight the similarities of their treatment and the treatment of the Jews at he hand of the Nazi's.

Although I feel for thier plight, I empathise with thier frustration as a person who believes in live and let live as long as there is mutual respect and tolerance of each other's beliefs, I'm not sure it's in the best taste.

At the end of the day, Swiss Muslims are not being bundled into vans and gassed in thier millions. They are not being asked to live in ghettos.

Yes, it is unfair that they can't have pretty minarets at thier place of worship and if there is a law past saying those who want to wear headscarves and burkas, can't, then I think they have a point, but raising anger and controversy that distracts from thier cause is bad marketing and poor taste.

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