Curly Girly

By Lacadiah

End of College, Back To High School

Today was my second attempt ever at being all leaderlike and having an event as president of Empowering Women of Ohio. Unfortunately our "End of College, Back To High School" dance was not as successful as our first fundraising event, the Gender Equity Bakesale. No one really came despite the 30 something confirmed facebook guests and 100 something maybes. Darn you facebook and your deceptiveness!! Another one of my good ideas gone to waste I suppose. It was a themed dance, dress like a stereotypical high school clique` member and we'll play 90s music (despite the fact that most of us we're really in high school in the 90s, but who really likes music from the 2000s anyway? Then of course there was the brilliance of the coupon idea. Pick up a fake permission slip for the dance at our bakesale and forge your parents signature and get a dollar off at the door. I will just make myself feel better and tell myself that Ohio University is just not ready for my brilliance. Ha. Anyway, in the end it just ended up turning into a very expensive graduation party for Erica, because it was essentially a small gathering of our friends having a party. Better luck next time I suppose, but it was still fun in the end. The picture is of Soph and I. I was a Varsity sports player and I believe she was a nerd. Having her there was also a plus. :)

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