Life Slips By

By Cider12

Y is for young

I swear the undergrads get younger every year.

And I will have to automatically de-friend anyone who mentions that it might have anything to do with me getting older.... (although I'm not sure you can de-friend people on blip)

Am tired & worn out, everything seemed to go wrong today, teaching was endless, and I'm bloody !@#$ing tired of coughing and feeling sick!!!

Does that sum it up nicely? ;-)

Am off to feel sorry for myself and watch movies under a blanket all evening...

Not the most exciting photo, to be sure, but it's all I've got so it's all you're getting...any complaints can be noted (type-written only) on a 4X6 postcard of Kensington Gardens and mailed in a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

I promise I'll be in a better mood tomorrow...

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