
By Battlesmiff75

Chocolate crispy cakes

It was a good day today. The children had an inset day. Glen's mum and dad came over so that his dad could do more work on the house. His mum took the kids for a walk into Battle while I got on with the last of my filing and then we had a baking session.

While this may not be the best photo the little crispy cakes tasted gorgeous and because I read the recipe wrong we ended up having to make a double amount of them - 40 of the tasty little things. I also made 38 cupcakes that i can now freeze ready to decorate for a birthday and the school's firework's evening next week.

This was the other photo I took today that I like better in some ways. Played around with the colour a bit and I like the effect. But I decided that the cakes were a better summary of my day.

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