Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

Drying out

Up at 7am out at 7.30am, off to play golf for the team down in Murcia, it was raining when I left. Normally we do not play in the rain, but as it was a league game I had no option, only if it is thunder and lightening does the game get called off. Got down to the course and it was only 'spitting' great we all thought we might get away without getting too wet, 'wrong', it peeed down. At least I had my wet weather gear with me, my playing partner didn't have his it was in London, the opposition didn't have theirs either. After 8 holes my partner and one of the others decided to call it a day and went in. I battled on and after 9 holes I was winning by 1, by then most people had started to come in, my playing partner wouldn't, Mr Macho, he insisted on us carrying on. I was dying for the loo so I nipped into the club house, saw the organiser and told him, who was nice and dry, that it was ridiculous for us to be playing in such awful weather, so he called the game off, to be played another day.

I took great delight in finding the opposition and telling him that the game had been called off, he was furious. Unfortunately I cannot play inthe re-arranged game I will be in the UK, so will Mr Macho.

So it was a rather soggy drive home, dry the clubs, shoes, hat and gloves off, wet weather gear in the tumble drier, hot bath and a cup of coffee.

Out tonight for a nice meal, home, pack, then off to Valencia tomorrow ready for the Motogp final on Sunday. Weather is a mix of cloud and sunshine.

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