
By mattleach


OK so I know I said I was going to shoot in B&W for a few days but this works much better in colour. They are Will's Halo helmet collection he has on his window ledge in his room. I actually shot in B&W in the camera but Lightroom turns it back to colour like magic because I shot RAW. I never knew that, very clever!

I have been playing with the new diffuser for my SB400 hot shoe flash, very pleased with it but outrageously overpriced! £14.99 for a bit of moulded plastic!

Mrs L. let me purchase my own Xmas present early today off Ebay. A cheap set of studio lights and accessories. I'm very excited that I'm hoping I can get a bit more creative now? Not sure if they'll be any good as they seem very cheap but I did read a review stating they are more than adequate for a beginner. Pros seem to put them down saying you get what you pay for, yet they have never used them? I'm hoping it's all snobbery?

I'm feeling much better today, thankfully, I was fed of feeling so rough. Not up to making the bonfire at the rugby club tonight though. Hopefully we'll go to Sanders Park tomorrow instead?

Mrs. L had a meeting with Wills English teacher today and she's very pleased with him He's improved two grades this year already which is fantastic. Keep up the good work fella!

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