It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

I'm ready!

oooooooooo I am sooooooooo excited! Tomorrow we are going on our holiday to Cornwall. I CAN'T WAIT!

I have already packed my bag and am ready and waiting!

This is what I am taking with me.......

Mr Fox (there he is poking out of the bag!)
Chicken (mmm if I don't eat it all first!)
My food (ESSENTIAL!)
Tennis Balls (Lots of them as I am good at chewing them up!)
My bed & blankets (unless I can persuade mum to let me sleep with them?!)
Towels, lots of towels (I plan on getting VERY wet and sandy)
Poop bags (well they are for mum really, I don't dirty my paws with that job!)
Treats, lots of treats. (I plan on being VERY good!)
My lead (*sigh* if I have to!)

If anyone can think of anything else I need please let me know, I don't want to forget anything!

The cottage that we are staying in doesn't have any mobile or internet signal, so I am afraid I am going to have to save all my blips up until I get back and I won't be able to pop in and see you all either. I will be thinking of you though and trying to take some good photos for you to see :-)

Thank you soooo much for all the lovely comments, views, stars and favourites you have given me lately. I am still getting onto spotlight everyday which mum says I should be very pleased about and grateful for! So I send you all a great BIG, HUGE lick and will see you when I get back :-)

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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