send me back to the wild!

By davidpritchard

Forest floor

It was very wet this morning, so I packed my waterproofs and headed off to one of my favourite local woodlands. There's no better time for photographing mushrooms than after (or during) rain. The colours strengthen, and everything adopts a lovely sheen.

There were no filters or accessories used for this shot, just a five second timer with a shutter delay, and a small beanbag given to me by a friend to prevent any unwanted movement. I did a lot of crawling about to find a composition I liked, and at one point I think I saw Noah sail past, but I was really pleased with the results. I shot through another clump of mushrooms to try and diffuse the cluttered foreground.

Nikon D300; Tamron 18-270mm @ 270mm; ISO 100; F/14; 1 second. VC off.

There's a another of today's efforts here. Try to keep in mind that these are taking with a superzoom lens, not a macro.

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