Le fromage plastique......

......good start to they day when I received word that the outwardly honest, upstanding head of our Public Records office, responsible for some seriously sensitive data, and presumably trustworthy to a fault, has at long last decided to tell the truth about driving dangerously and crashing into Nancy's car. The tiny frustrating element to it all is she has been lying like a canine for the last 6 months, putting her own, and my insurance companies to considerable expense and keeping me parted from my precious insurance excess of £250. I'm a teeny bit bitter that when faced with irrefutable evidence of her clear guilt, she suddenly decides to change her story and there is no consequence to her protracted cover-up and lies. Ho hum, I suppose she, me, my insurance company, her insurance company and the Truth Fairy know she's a lying JOBBY.

Elsewhere, I met Taunton Chris for a couple of jars in the Beard. He looked like a man who needed an Orkney Best. Good to see you again mate.

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