Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Shop, Write, Study, Walk, Shop, Wrap

I went into town and bought some things to put in a shoebox for Tess to take into school for Operation Christmas Child. (I had already bought a few things but hadn't checked the list!) I got a bit sucked into supermarket clever 'you want this lovely candle holder, don't you, don't you, don't you????!!!!' trickery and fortunately Mr. Carter was there to sigh heavily, look at his watch repeatedly and gasp at prices.
Men are so handy.

I had a weepy moment in the car on the way home listening to Amy Winehouse's Our Day Will Come. What a voice. Such style.

Got home to the most warm, enthusiastic welcome from the dog. He clearly thought I'd been gone for several years.

Richard went off for a surf. He needs to get back in the sea as much as possible at the moment so he can surf well in a contest at the weekend.

Then I had breakfast, and set myself the task of writing 2,000 words in 2 hours in order to get some OU study done.


Okay so I did write 2,000 words. But they were silly words and it took me longer than 2 hours.
I think I then managed fifteen minutes of OU study.

We took Dylan the dog off for a plod just before sunset and I took this shot. We waited for the sun to pop behind the hill and I think I took it too soon. It's a bit wrong, and what should have been a beautiful foreground disappeared. The black and white is the result of lifting the shadows.
I like the happy accident anyway.
Back home I had to order a new laptop for the shop. It's no fun choosing things like that when you know you're not going to play with them!

Suddenly it was 7pm (how does that happen?!), and I had to wrap the damn shoebox for the pressies to go in. As we couldn't find a normal shoebox I had to wrap some flappy thing with an attached lid. What a challenge... Funny how life throws little time-sucking things at you repeatedly.

I'm watching the last episode of Educating Essex now. I'm pleased to know there are at least some such dedicated non-judgemental teachers out there. Judging people is very wrong and unkind - not to mention completely unhelpful.

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