South coast

By southcoast

Feathered friends?

The plague that is scavenging seagulls is upon us again. They are nesting a couple of doors along so I got the zoom lens out and took this through the fence.

Think I scared my neighbour who I hadn't realised had come out into their garden while I was snapping - managed to explain the pics were only of the gulls so I could upload to this website, much to her relief.

The good news is that the roller blading last night went relatively well, a few hairy moments but I managed to stay upright so that was a bonus! Had a nice evening and Mr SC even picked me up to save my legs on his way home - what a star.

Lazy day, bit of gardening and tonight I'm catching up with a friend. Looking forward to a nice meal and much nattering. Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone.

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