From Dawn to...

By DawnCHS

Whatcha Looking at doggy??

Today, I managed to take a picture and I am uploading it on the right day. I feel SO proud of myself!!

Anyway, to bring Blip up to date on why I am the worlds worst member...I started my PhD - and got my Masters Degree. I am reading like I have never read before (well, almost. I have never read this much on one subject before).

AND my beloved camera is at the menders. My Canon broke - all by itself! No, really. It worked one day and the next the lens was not working properly. There was already an issue with the little red focus lights and it is under warranty, so I had to post it off to Aldershot to get fixed. I feel bereft without it; its funny how shots on my little canon compact are just not good enough anymore, and as for my phone camera with its 5MP - well!!!

BUT, I did get a total bargain at the charity shop the other day. I got a brand new tripod, with a bag for £3. Its not a Manfrotto, but I'm happy as a sandlark...or I will be when I get my camera back.

Oh, the picture - we wandered with the dogs this afternoon and they met some horses. I missed the 'kissy' shot of Tai and the horse, but it did seem interested in Poppy's sniffing!

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