Sunset at school

Phew, this afternoon was horrifying at school! About 30 minutes after school closed, Anrie's mom came running into the office in a total state of shock and hysterics! Her dad, 77 years of age, fell off a ladder, roof height, on the farm ( Anrie's parents's farm)! He is, of course, our principal's dad as well, Ansa & Carolina are sisters!

He is in hospital now, scans & x-rays doesn't show any broken limbs but he is badly bruised, so sore, he can't move!

C&R snr took Ansa & her mom, Anrie's granny, to the farm, arrived just on time to see him in the ambulance and the real shock only took a hold of him when he saw his beloved wife of over 55 years! Awh, he started shaking like a leaf when she arrived, went into total shock! He will spend the night in hospital.

We just pray he is really okay, I can't imagine what poor Hendrik must feel like tonight, he was alone on the farm with his grandfather when it happened!

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